Monday, August 2, 2010

Sometimes margaritas make everything better... until the next morning.

Good times, good friends, chips and salsa, and seemingly bottomless pitchers of margaritas on a cool sumer night in the Arizona mountains... seems perfect, right? This was my night last night. However, this morning I woke up feeling as though my body's organs had been removed and replaced with bottles of tequila. It's almost lunchtime, and I will be able to go home for my lunch break and take a nap. Alas, that is all. Then, I must return to work and daydream of a simpler world- a world without wealth inequality, without hatred and prejudice, where we loved and respected the earth, and, most of all, where the tequila hangover was no more.

Over and out,

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Introduction, and why 90's MTV was really the best thing ever

Hello, world! I am Lauren, of Lauren and Meredith, a.k.a "The Coolest People at This Party". We decided to start this blog for a few reasons: 1) We are awesome, 2) With all of the website s out there in this invisible world that is only accessible by pushing buttons, we just don't see enough cool stuff, and 3) We assume that you, the dedicated blog reader, care what we have to say. So, I've made a little introduction, and Meredith will pop in later, I'm sure. Now, onto the important stuff.

MTV sucks now. I'm not going to deny that. The one channel that used to be great, almost revolutionary, is now a bunch a ridiculous reality shows that glorify the worst of American culture. In the 90's though, MTV was awesome. The only reality shows were The Real World and Road Rules, and back then, they were cool and interesting.  They picked up My So-Called Life after it was canceled by ABC. There were awesome video shows that aired nonstop video and were hosted by cool-ass hosts like Martha Quinn and Kennedy. Alternative Nation. Headbanger's Ball. Remote Control. They had Beavis and Butthead, and they had the most awesome cartoon I can think of- Daria. If you don't know, now you know. Daria was the shit. Daria, the main character (a character from Beavis and Butthead), was the epitome of the intelligent, rebellious, extremely sarcastic, non-conformist teen. In a way, she represented the teens of Generation X. All 5 seasons are now available on DVD, or can be downloaded on a P2P file sharing program like Azureus.  Educate yourselves on the wonders of Daria. Or, just go down memory lane to a place where MTV didn't suck.

" The future is an enormous question mark, and I don't know what lies ahead. 
I only know that if it moves, I'm shooting it."